Moving pictures
Excerpt from the full article below:
Take your double garage, turn it into your dream cinema with big-screen movies, motion seating, arcade games, en-suite bar… and achieve it all without annoying the neighbours. Sounds like a job for… Wavetrain Cinemas!
While our main reviews in Sound+Image necessarily focus on equipment, we know full well that the room in which the equipment operates is perhaps the most important element of all – its shape, its acoustics, the ambient level of sound before you start cranking the gear. So it’s always a pleasure to cover a home theatre project involving Wavetrain Cinemas, because their designs deliver often-award-winning combinations of room plus equipment, all of which, in the final event, just disappears behind a full-blown home cinema experience.
And in this case, the experience is even more moving than usual, because five of the seven seats are equipped with D-BOX motion systems, described by their Canadian manufacturer as “the best non-distracting cinematic motion available in the world”, thereby carefully distinguishing them from the stomach-churning rollercoaster ride delivered by some rival systems…